Candidate's Fav Movies
(Note, this post contains some politics but is meant in a light tone. Please take it as such.)
An interesting post at NRO about what each of the candidates favorite movies are. The list is as follows:
It made me think about what I'd answer if I was a candidate (don't worry hon, only hypothetical!). Off the top of my head, some of my favorite movies of the last ten years, 'Amelie', 'Moulin Rouge', 'Lost in Translation' would probably all lose me votes. 'Firefly' would be a wash (no pun intended). 'Inception' would probably be well respected. Maybe.
Choosing classics leaves you on more firm ground. Who didn't like 'Rear Window'? Same goes for 'West Side Story' or 'Star Wars'.
('Field of Dreams' over 'Bull Durham'? Seriously?)
An interesting post at NRO about what each of the candidates favorite movies are. The list is as follows:
Michele Bachmann: Braveheart, “or maybe Saving Private Ryan”
Newt Gingrich: “Probably” Casablanca
Rick Santorum: Field of Dreams
Ron Paul: “I don’t watch many movies”
Gary Johnson: Dr. Zhivago
Mitt Romney: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Rick Perry: Immortal Beloved
Barack Obama: Casablanca, The Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
If someone handed you this list and asked you to match it to the candidates it would be pretty tough to do so. As it probably should be. Both Obama and Gingrich like 'Casablanca' (as do I) but it almost certainly has to do with the witty writing and the love story more than any possible political reference.
It made me think about what I'd answer if I was a candidate (don't worry hon, only hypothetical!). Off the top of my head, some of my favorite movies of the last ten years, 'Amelie', 'Moulin Rouge', 'Lost in Translation' would probably all lose me votes. 'Firefly' would be a wash (no pun intended). 'Inception' would probably be well respected. Maybe.
Choosing classics leaves you on more firm ground. Who didn't like 'Rear Window'? Same goes for 'West Side Story' or 'Star Wars'.
('Field of Dreams' over 'Bull Durham'? Seriously?)