Great American Novel List
List found here.
I'm trying to figure out if I can resist this or not. I've already read nine of the books. It wouldn't hurt me to read the other 15.
Hmmm, will have to think about this...
The list, for those who don't click through:
I'm trying to figure out if I can resist this or not. I've already read nine of the books. It wouldn't hurt me to read the other 15.
Hmmm, will have to think about this...
The list, for those who don't click through:
- The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
- Moby Dick - Melville
- To Kill a Mockingbird - Lee
- Huckleberry Finn - Twain
- Mason & Dixon - Pynchon
- American Psycho - Ellis
- Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
- Underworld - Delillo
- Lolita - Nabakov
- U.S.A. - Dos Passos
- Invisible Man - Ellison
- Blood Meridian - McCarthy
- Light in August - Faulkner
- Absalom! Absalom! - Faulkner
- Rabbit, Run - Updike
- Infinite Jest - DFW
- Adventures of Augie March - Bellow
- Gentlemen Prefer Blonds - Loos
- Beloved - Morrison
- Kavalier and Clay - Chabon
- Freedom - Franzen
- Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Diaz
- These Dreams of You - Erickson
- The Flamethrowers - Kushner