
Carrie at Naturally Optimistic tagged me with this:

Simple Rules:
-Open your first photo folder.
-Scroll down to the 10th photo.
-Post that photo and story on your blog.
-Tag five others (or more) friends to do the same.

This was from August 2003. I'd just gotten my digital camera and was taking some pictures for my online dating profile. Look at that mug! This was about eight months after the car accident. You can still see considerable swelling on the left side. It was also about four months before they went back and fixed my nose to make it point straight. A year later I got my glasses and that helps even out both sides too!
Btw, I went with this pic for my profile:

Was that cheating?

Anyway, I'm tagging...
Rachel (Happy Birthday!)


carrster said…
Whohoo! Not cheating at all. Nice pics. :)

(btw, the dating profile thing worked out pretty a-okay for you!)
MamaD4 said…
I'm done!

That is a good picture, was that one from our wedding?

Thank you for the birthday wishes!
Peder said…
Yeah, the good one was from your wedding. It helps to have a tuxedo appearance before going on Match.
DD4 said…
How did I do?

I also like your "match" photo!

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