Where in the World scoreboard

(Sorry this is late!)

Either these were too hard this week or our Colorado contingent is on vacation...

11) Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy
12) Sistine Chapel, Italy
14) Chocolate Hills, Indonesia

And the scoreboard (for now) reads:
T Herring 4 points
Michelle 4 points
Carrie 3 points
Hans 1 point


AML said…
I've been on vacation, now have houseguests, and school starts for the kiddo next week. Busy, busy, busy! Cool pics, and I hope to find a few minutes to search for their IDs over the next few days...
AML said…
14 is the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Philippines; still trying to find 13 & 15--you found some tough ones, Peder!

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