Cat Mummies
Was just in the backyard talking with the FP Gal and I said that my attitude towards cats was sometimes too Egyptian. Longtime readers may recall that we buried both Roxane and Calypso underneath a tree that we planted way back in '06. Lately we've been talking about moving and that means losing the tree that remains as a last connection.
I thought about taking a leaf and bringing it but I don't know what I'd do with a leaf. She said we could press and frame it but that seems like too much. She (jokingly) said that we could dig them up and bring them with us. I said that we could wrap them in linen and let them roam around at night terrorizing the neighborhood.
Which brings us back to the Egyptians. I'd think that cat mummies would be a pretty simple connection to make. Has anyone ever made a movie about this? Google thinks that only the Tomb Raider people have done so. This really surprises me. No one thought of this during the 70's? The Sci-Fi network hasn't done this? What a missed opportunity!
(Carrie, feel free to run with this...)
I thought about taking a leaf and bringing it but I don't know what I'd do with a leaf. She said we could press and frame it but that seems like too much. She (jokingly) said that we could dig them up and bring them with us. I said that we could wrap them in linen and let them roam around at night terrorizing the neighborhood.
Which brings us back to the Egyptians. I'd think that cat mummies would be a pretty simple connection to make. Has anyone ever made a movie about this? Google thinks that only the Tomb Raider people have done so. This really surprises me. No one thought of this during the 70's? The Sci-Fi network hasn't done this? What a missed opportunity!
(Carrie, feel free to run with this...)
What kind of tree is it? Could you take a clipping and start a new tree? (some trees are easier to do that with than others). You could start NOW and then you'd know whether it worked or not (and could try again) before moving. Just an idea.