Where in the World Contest 2

You probably remember this contest from this spring. I'll requote the rules:
Every Monday at noon for the next eight weeks I've got a scheduled post with five of the pictures on it. Each one has a number with it. Your job is to leave your guess in the comment section. First person with a correct guess gets a point (and I will keep score). The winner gets an actual prize.
(And now you can see what the prize is.) The posts will go up on Monday, starting tomorrow with scoreboard updates on Thursdays. Last time I stole the pictures from work. This time I thunk up the whole list on my own. My co-workers are eligible to play this time although the FP Gal is still outlawed.
Michell, I'm also going to restrict you a bit to make it more competitive. Please don't answer until the Thursday scoreboard posts. So that should give everyone else 72 hours to hunt down the pictures.
I've tried to mix difficulty levels and include some easy ones in each set. Use of Google is just fine (and almost certainly necessary for some of them). Unfortunately, no one is paying me to show you beautiful spots and encouraging you to go there. (If any corporate suits read this and want to change that, drop me a note in the comments!)
Remember to have fun. And good luck!


carrster said…
cool! I hope to do better this time.

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