Another one coming!

Yep, we have another child on the way.

Today at Relia's birthday we purposefully left one gift till last. It contained Relia's new shirt (pictured above). Yes, we like to keep people on their toes!
Current names under consideration are 'Anita Josefina Teresita Beatriz del Carmen Margarita' for a girl and 'Fred' for a boy. We may update if those change.


DD4 said…
What a darling photo! By the way, you and Sarah win the Academy Award for surprises! Congratulations! I'm very happy about your news.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! You'll be in the double digits before you know it.
MamaD4 said…
Congrats Peder & Sarah!
Kate said…
Yippee! And I'm voting for Fred.
Meigan said…
Oh my gosh, you HAVE to save that picture for one day when they're 7 and 5 and screaming at each other - you can remind Relia how happy she once was to have a little bro/sis! (j/k that never happens...)

Congratulations to you all - this is very exciting news!!!
carrster said…
Congratulations!! What great news!
Heidi said…
Congrats!!!! We are so happy for you guys!

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