For a week or so DF has been puzzling us with the word 'daimyo'. He says it repeatedly and clearly and the context seems to change from time to time. It's an actual word. From wikipedia:
And then we figured it out. He was simply saying 'down-we-go'. Poor little DF was simply trying to tell us that he wanted down from chairs, couches or holding arms.
The more you know, I guess.
Daimyo (大名 Daimyō ,So apparently he's a Japanese history buff! Surprising in one so young but it's important to nurture early inspirations, right?Pronunciation (help·info)) is a generic term referring to the powerful territorial lords[1] in pre-modern Japan who ruled most of the country from their vast, hereditary land holdings. In the term, "dai" (大 ) literally means "large", and "myō" stands for myōden (名田?), meaning private land.[2]
And then we figured it out. He was simply saying 'down-we-go'. Poor little DF was simply trying to tell us that he wanted down from chairs, couches or holding arms.
The more you know, I guess.