
My uncle Jerry gave me a very nice watch for high school graduation. I wore it for years, being very careful not to whack the cyrstal on anything. But it had a problem. Every two years the battery would run out, but that is common and not a big deal. I'd take it in to get a new battery and no one could take the back off to change it. That was the problem!
About ten years ago I found I checked at a shop out at the MOA and found a crazy little lady who had the goods. In the space of a few minutes she a) she got the back off, b) proposed marriage, c) changed the battery and d) gave my girlfriend who was with me a discount on a different watch. (I may be fuzzy on this but it seemed like that. As I said 'crazy'.) And then sadly her shop closed up and I couldn't find her. And again no one could open it up to change it.
After some time the battery ran down and that was that. I set it somewhere safe and occasionally thought about searching really hard for the crazy lady so I could get the darn thing running again. But it didn't happen and it didn't happen.
Then the other day Relia saw a picture from the wedding, a close up of the FP Gal's hand and mine as we were showing off our very cool rings. She said, "hey, you have a watch on!". And then asked why I don't wear it anymore. (Hon, if read this far and want to insert that picture into this post, please do.)
Anyway, long story short, there is a new shop out at the mall and they were able to fix it quickly and easily. So now I have to retrain myself to put the watch on. And I will. It just feels better to have it on my wrist.


DD4 said…
I like your account of your graduation gift, Peder. I'm happy you've found a solution to the battery issue.

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