Kids Update

I don't know if any of this is worth a post on its own but I thought a little roundup might work well.

  • Relia has her first dentist appointment on Friday. She's very excited. Keeps wanting to remind me. And the FP Gal. And Nana. And probably everyone at her preschool. This has given us a chance to brush up on days of the week as she keeps working out how many days until Friday.

  • The maps on the living room wall continue to be a big hit. We have both a US map and a world one. I like to show Relia where various cities are on the map and she likes going over to point at them.

  • DF also likes the maps. He knows that we point to them and he makes certain to join us so that he can get his pointing in too. This weekend he discovered that there are pictures on them of various local industry. So now we get 'apple, apple, apple!' as 'cow!'.

  • Both the FP Gal and I have to remind ourselves that he isn't two yet. I don't know if it's because he's big or if we just don't remember what two is like. But we both do it. He has taken to walking around with the plastic White Sox bat. When he does I call him Bam Bam. He doesn't get the joke but he does like to be included.

  • We think we may (and I stress 'may') have decided on both a boy and a girl name. This is kind of a relief for us. We had a pretty good girl name about a week after we knew we needed one but the boy name has been a very tough nut to crack. We'll share when it's time.

That's it!


DD4 said…
The maps are a great idea!

Don't forget to take a photo of Aurelia in the dentist's chair.

Felix is quite a little boy. I sure love hearing about both of the kids.
carrster said…
Nice updates!!

Dahlia ADORES the dentist. Weirdo. I think it's because they ply here with all sorts of cheapy toys & toothbrushes with Princesses on them. :)

We were having a discussion yesterday at ECFE about the 2nd (or subsequent) children being thought of as older because there's already one ahead of them. It's very true. It's almost like the parent brain forgets, constant reminders are needed for us!

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