The FP Gal and I tried to explain who Martin Luther King Jr was today. She got some of it but not all. We told her that he tried to change rules that were unfair. That she understood. His being killed was tougher. She has some concept of death but she doesn't seem to care about things like 'what happens after you die'. Instead she wants to know about things like, 'what did they do with the body?' and 'where did they put the gun?'. (MLK was buried in Atlanta and I'm not sure that the gun was ever recovered.)
Tonight we were talking about holidays and Relia wanted me to list all of them. She mentioned that today is 'King Arthur day'. We gently corrected her. Y'know, I never realized how many similar sounds there are between Martin Luther King and King Arthur. Guess you need a more flexible mind to make that connection.
Tonight we were talking about holidays and Relia wanted me to list all of them. She mentioned that today is 'King Arthur day'. We gently corrected her. Y'know, I never realized how many similar sounds there are between Martin Luther King and King Arthur. Guess you need a more flexible mind to make that connection.