
Back around Thanksgiving I was driving the kids to Relia's swim lesson when I got pulled over and ticketed. There was a cop on the side of 35W and I didn't pull over a lane when passing. He came up and gave a quick and angry lecture which made a big impression on some little ears. Paying the ticket has been a minor nightmare but I'll right about that in a different blog post.
Yesterday, while eating lunch with the FP Gal's family Relia leaned over to me.

Relia: (whispering) Isn't this a good time to tell everyone about the time you got policed?
Me: (whispering back) NO.

This morning while we were out driving down 35W again I was reminded of this and decided to have a word with her about how I'd rather not share this with anyone and everyone.

Me: Relia, about the time that daddy was, um, 'policed'. I'd rather not tell everyone about that ok?
Relia: But how will they know that it happened then?
FP Gal: Daddy doesn't really want to tell everyone about that.
Relia: That's ok. I'll tell them!

She really didn't understand.


Chris said…
Hey, I almost got policed for the same thing this summer. Luckily, I got off with a warning.
DD4 said…
This made me roar outloud! Talk about the innocence of children. Peder, I'm sorry you got the ticket. I'll wager Aurelia never forgets this incident!
Peder said…
Oh Chris, if only I had been so lucky!
Pat said…
Oh, Peder--I really do want you to know how many times and how much you have made me laugh at your posts. I know that it is sometimes at your expense but cannot help it. This is a riot. Relia never ceases to amaze me with the things she comes up with.
Test said…
Oh I love this - all the important things need to be shared :)

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