Back around Thanksgiving I was driving the kids to Relia's swim lesson when I got pulled over and ticketed. There was a cop on the side of 35W and I didn't pull over a lane when passing. He came up and gave a quick and angry lecture which made a big impression on some little ears. Paying the ticket has been a minor nightmare but I'll right about that in a different blog post.
Yesterday, while eating lunch with the FP Gal's family Relia leaned over to me.
Relia: (whispering) Isn't this a good time to tell everyone about the time you got policed?
Me: (whispering back) NO.
This morning while we were out driving down 35W again I was reminded of this and decided to have a word with her about how I'd rather not share this with anyone and everyone.
Me: Relia, about the time that daddy was, um, 'policed'. I'd rather not tell everyone about that ok?
Relia: But how will they know that it happened then?
FP Gal: Daddy doesn't really want to tell everyone about that.
Relia: That's ok. I'll tell them!
She really didn't understand.
Yesterday, while eating lunch with the FP Gal's family Relia leaned over to me.
Relia: (whispering) Isn't this a good time to tell everyone about the time you got policed?
Me: (whispering back) NO.
This morning while we were out driving down 35W again I was reminded of this and decided to have a word with her about how I'd rather not share this with anyone and everyone.
Me: Relia, about the time that daddy was, um, 'policed'. I'd rather not tell everyone about that ok?
Relia: But how will they know that it happened then?
FP Gal: Daddy doesn't really want to tell everyone about that.
Relia: That's ok. I'll tell them!
She really didn't understand.