Beauty and the Beast - 1991

This is my favorite Disney film. The music is good, the story is interesting and I'm a sucker for love stories. (Plus, it was part of a prom date and that gives it a little bit of special history for me.)
So, how did it stack up? Well, the bad stuff first: the animation isn't that good. It was cutting edge fourteen years ago, but things have changed since then. The computer graphic ballroom scene looks completely out of place. Disney must have been trying to strut their stuff and that's fine. It's a shame that it doesn't do anything to advance the story or even appear somewhere where conventional animation wouldn't work just as well. And what else? Nothing else but nitpicks, I suppose. The rest still holds up fine.
The enchanted objects in the castle are very enjoyable. Lumiere is quite fun. And the 'Be My Guest' scene is priceless. So is Gaston's song. (Which isn't really the same tune as 'Le Poisson' it's only similar.)
Best Picture material? Sure. Why not. If they had made this movie today, it would have looked much better, but it's hard to hold that against it. A very good (if not excellent) film.


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