Other movie reviews
Here's a collection of movies outside of the project that the FP Gal and I have watched over the last week or so.
Sideways - This is a fun movie involving two men in their forties who are struggling to put their love lives in the right frame. One is getting married and still wants to sow some wild oats. The other one has had a failed marriage and wants to give up on relationships. This movie has lots of wine and some nice moments. But it's overrated. This is a very nice arthouse movie. It should not be Best Picture.
Eternal Sunshine - Bought this one this week. An excellent movie in the same mindbending style of 'Being John Malkovich'. In fact, both directed by Spike Jonze. This is easily Jim Carey's best work. Playing not only a regular person, but also given a fairly challenging role. He moves effortlessly between frightened defensiveness and a rather endearing relationship. (And this from someone who has wished that he'd be retaken by aliens and leave us alone. And take Adam Sandler with him.)
Bull Durham - The FP Gal had never seen this move. Now she's seen the first third before falling asleep. This is my favorite sports movie. The gritty realism of the minor leagues puts the players lives into a perspective that's missing from other baseball flicks. Also, Susan Sarandon could not be sexier than she is right here. Oh my!
Not bad stuff from Kevin Costner, either. When he plays a regular guy, especially a flawed one, he's not bad at all. It's when he tries to be an historical figure (Dances with Wolves or JFK) that he falls flat. Some actors can show that elevation. Others just look like props.
Man on Fire - Denzel Washinton movie from last year. Denzel plays a former 'counter-insurgent expert' who is on the verge of commiting suicide. He's hired to bodyguard a small and very cute little girl in Mexico City. She rekindles his desire to live. And then she's kidnapped. He goes on revenge streak to bring them all to justice. (I think this is the same plot as 'The Punisher' and 'Collateral Damage'.)
This is a very good movie. The directing is edgy, but not too edgy. The story makes sense throughout and is presented with a few twists and gasps. And Denzel is just not able to turn in a bad performance. He might be the best actor of this generation.
Sideways - This is a fun movie involving two men in their forties who are struggling to put their love lives in the right frame. One is getting married and still wants to sow some wild oats. The other one has had a failed marriage and wants to give up on relationships. This movie has lots of wine and some nice moments. But it's overrated. This is a very nice arthouse movie. It should not be Best Picture.
Eternal Sunshine - Bought this one this week. An excellent movie in the same mindbending style of 'Being John Malkovich'. In fact, both directed by Spike Jonze. This is easily Jim Carey's best work. Playing not only a regular person, but also given a fairly challenging role. He moves effortlessly between frightened defensiveness and a rather endearing relationship. (And this from someone who has wished that he'd be retaken by aliens and leave us alone. And take Adam Sandler with him.)
Bull Durham - The FP Gal had never seen this move. Now she's seen the first third before falling asleep. This is my favorite sports movie. The gritty realism of the minor leagues puts the players lives into a perspective that's missing from other baseball flicks. Also, Susan Sarandon could not be sexier than she is right here. Oh my!
Not bad stuff from Kevin Costner, either. When he plays a regular guy, especially a flawed one, he's not bad at all. It's when he tries to be an historical figure (Dances with Wolves or JFK) that he falls flat. Some actors can show that elevation. Others just look like props.
Man on Fire - Denzel Washinton movie from last year. Denzel plays a former 'counter-insurgent expert' who is on the verge of commiting suicide. He's hired to bodyguard a small and very cute little girl in Mexico City. She rekindles his desire to live. And then she's kidnapped. He goes on revenge streak to bring them all to justice. (I think this is the same plot as 'The Punisher' and 'Collateral Damage'.)
This is a very good movie. The directing is edgy, but not too edgy. The story makes sense throughout and is presented with a few twists and gasps. And Denzel is just not able to turn in a bad performance. He might be the best actor of this generation.