Shawshank Redemption - 1994
The last of the great '94 movies. As with the others, if you haven't seen it, you should. Some of Tim Robbin's best work. Also some of Morgan Freeman's best stuff. You really can't go wrong with Morgan Freeman doing voiceover work. He's just very very very good at what he does.
The story concerns a man (Robbins) convicted of murdering his wife and being sent to prison for life. "Life is what they give you and that's just what they take", as the movie says. The story details his struggle with prison rape, prison food and the dealing with life on the inside of a prison.
The turning point of his time inside is when he convinces the guards that his skills from the outside can be of use on the inside. The rape stops and he's given special treatment. He uses his status to improve and expand the prison library and helps cons with their high school diplomas. Through the library he meets someone who can help prove that he's innocent. Something which angers the warden to no end.
The most touching part of the movie comes when Robbins talks to Morgan about hope. And the importance of keeping hope. Especially in as bad a situation as prison. "Get busy living or get busy dying". The rest of the movie flows directly from that conversation.
Hope is the theme of this movie and it plays it well. The story is very well told and very well acted. A great movie.
The story concerns a man (Robbins) convicted of murdering his wife and being sent to prison for life. "Life is what they give you and that's just what they take", as the movie says. The story details his struggle with prison rape, prison food and the dealing with life on the inside of a prison.
The turning point of his time inside is when he convinces the guards that his skills from the outside can be of use on the inside. The rape stops and he's given special treatment. He uses his status to improve and expand the prison library and helps cons with their high school diplomas. Through the library he meets someone who can help prove that he's innocent. Something which angers the warden to no end.
The most touching part of the movie comes when Robbins talks to Morgan about hope. And the importance of keeping hope. Especially in as bad a situation as prison. "Get busy living or get busy dying". The rest of the movie flows directly from that conversation.
Hope is the theme of this movie and it plays it well. The story is very well told and very well acted. A great movie.