Weird stuff

I've been tagged by my friend at Naturally Optimistic (my first tag!). She's listed five of her idiosyncracies and asked me to do the same. Here goes:

1) This is the weirdest one. I read all of the time. Usually two or three books going at one time. But if I get within 40 pages of the end of a book, I have to finish it before the end of the next day. Maybe it's more of a project than an idiosyncracy, but it is weird.
2) I must greet any cat I see out on the street or in a store. Really it's only polite, right? And then I always feel guilty if I haven't washed the scent off before I get home to my cats.
3) My sport superstitions are numerous and defy categorizing. Suffice it to say that I remember which shirt I'm wearing during bad Viking losses and will avoid it on game days for the rest of the season. And I can't escape the feeling that whether I'm watching the team or not has an effect on how they play.
4) Don't like to have people to my left. Gotten to the point where I can cope with sitting with someone sitting there, but really bugs me while walking. I have no idea how to communicate this to people I don't really know, so I just have to put up with it sometimes.
5) I can't stand to have my thumbs or my pinky fingers held down. Same with my ankles but not as badly. Had to train FP Gal not to hold my whole hand. We just hook index fingers and yes, it's cute.

The only person I can think to tag is Matt. You up for it?


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