Best Picture thoughts
I just got done reading this post from Catallarchy regarding Oscar picks. I was struck by the discussion on the 90's vs the 00's. This all brings me to this: are we in a drought, or is just impossible to measure up to the movie-making of the 90’s? Take a look at the nominations in the last 5 years, and then look at the 90’s, and tell me there is not a big difference...I mean, tell me there is a single film in the last five years (outside of LotR) that is better than say, Pulp Fiction , The Shawshank Redemption , or Forrest Gunp . There isn’t one. This of course is right up my alley since my project deals with this exact issue. So I looked at the list of Best Picture nominees and found this: Chocolat, Erin Brockovich, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Traffic and Gladiator. Gosford Park, In the Bedroom, Moulin Rouge, Fellowship of the Rings and Beautiful Mind. Chicago, Gangs of New York, the Hours, Two Towers and the Pianist. Lost in Translation, Seabiscuit, Mystic River, M...