Nanowrimo Story

Ok, here is the opening bit:

The entire thing, all of it in it's bizarre entirety started with a strange waitress asking me about a drink that I never ordered.

"So how did that Colorado Bulldog treat you? I was right, wasn't I?"

Well, she was cute enough. Enough that I didn't want to just tell her that she had the wrong guy and give her a cold shoulder. Besides I was on the road and when you're out of town you can use all of the friends that you can get, right? So I looked her straight in the eye, focused on her, gave a winning smile and said, "Huh?". Women usually remember me for my wit.

I got a smile in return. "The Bulldog. I told you it was tasty." Her smile fell a bit. "You didn't like it?"

No place to turn now but honesty, "Miss, I'm afraid that you have someone else in mind. I'm a beer drinker. Sorry."

The smile came back. "That's what you said earlier and then I told you to at least try this one out." Some uncertainty in her eyes. Then she glanced down at my suit and then back to my face. "It was you wasn't it?"

"I'm sure if you offered it to me I'd have drunk it. But it wasn't me. Sorry."

This surprised her. "Well, I must have the wrong guy. But boy, you really do look like him. You don't have a brother here do you?"

"Nope. I'm an only child."

"Well, sorry to have bothered you."

My new friend made to leave. "Wait, it wasn't a bother. Not at all." I had to think quickly. "In fact, you've sold me on the drink. I'm sitting over there," as I pointed back to one corner of the bar, "with my work friends. You can bring one of those pit bulls over if you'd like."

The smile came back, "Not a pit bull, a bulldog!" A quick chuckle. "I'll get one for you." Off she went and I discovered that she was a pleasant sight coming or going.

I made my way to the men's room, finished my business there and got back to the table in hopes of arriving before she did. Not to worry, she was nowhere to be seen. I scanned the bar and couldn't spot her at all. Bad luck on my part. There is almost nothing better than a pretty woman who starts a conversation with you unprompted. Sadly, I returned to my lone beer.

A few minutes later she showed up with our original waitress and set a drink in front of me. I started to thank them and then noticed that they were both staring at me. She said, "I just don't believe it!" I don't get that response from women very often. In fact, this was a little embarrassing.

The original waitress shook her head too. "I don't believe it either. You really don't have a brother here?"

By this time my whole table was trying to figure out what was going on. Their conversation had completely stopped and they were looking at me. I muttered something like, "Really I don't have one. I'm an only child."

The waitresses looked at each other and then the newer one said, "Well, you'll have to come with us and check this out. Your identical twin is here."

I glanced around at the table and saw some grins. This felt like a set up for something but I couldn't guess what it was. My coworkers weren't above some kind of practical joke. On the other hand, here were two pretty girls asking me to go somewhere with them. What choice did I have?

So I stood back up, let the table know that I'd be back and asked the girls to lead the way. It was one of those kinds of places where the wait staff didn't wear tags and I didn't know either of their names. I started looking for a chance to find out.

We made our way to the opposite corner of the place. Our seats had been near the window and in the early evening was pretty bright. They led me back where the lights were all artificial and a bit dim. Faces were still visible but looked altered by neon.

We stopped at a table and everyone there looked up expectantly. I scanned the faces and the back of my mind tried to get my attention. The girls looked down at someone and then back at me. Everyone there then stared at me for a second. And then at one of the guys sitting there, someone who looked familiar.

Then it clicked. That was my own face.


DD4 said…
Very interesting, Peder. I'll be curious to see where the story goes.
Meigan said…
Me likey!

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