
Audio version!

We've got the Christmas CD in the car and Relia is struggling to understand this song. Santa isn't a baby. Felix is a baby! Anyway, this was from this morning's go round.

Relia: What is she singing about?
Me: She's trying to be nice to Santa so she can get some presents.
Relia: (after some thought) From his bags?
Me: Yes.
Relia: All of the toys?
Me: Well, kind of.
Relia: (very quickly) And then she can get them all and put them in a garage sale so that I can get them and play with them!
Me: Uh . . .


Sarita said…
She truly is my daughter. Baby, you don't know how true that statement is.
Anonymous said…
Hilarious that she says garage sale instead of toy store! Love it.
Pat said…
Never tire of reading about Relia. Garge sales!! Love ir!!!

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