Thursday, November 10, 2011

Adventures of Knifey Boy

(Thought I posted this yesterday but I must not have. Ah well, there goes NaBloPoMo!)

On Sunday the FP Gal went out with her mom while I watched the kids and some football. At one point this exchange happened:

Relia: DF is poking me with a knife!
Me: Well, move away from him then.

After the play was over, I walked over to see what was happening. DF had gotten a steak knife from the counter and was now gently stabbing a door with it. I bravely wrestled it away from him and put it in the dishwasher.
Later that day he dragged one of the forty chairs we have in the downstairs area into the kitchen. He then opened up the silverware drawer and got out another knife, this one only for butter. We gave him the 'no no no no' treatment and got it away from him.
So we have an 18 month old who wants to search the drawers and seems to like knives. Nothing unheard of but a bit of a surprise for us since Relia never went through this. Live and learn, I guess. We've moved all of the dangerous knives to places he can't get to (yet). And if the problem continues we'll get child safe whatevers for the drawers.
I'm torn on how to deal with this. All of the great fencers started young and I don't want to stiffle his ambitions. On the other hand, we can't really accept a high casualty count while he learns his trade.
Is it too late to check into Jedi school?

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