Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dragon Nest

DF's sleeping set up is kind of screwy. Instead of a pillow he has folded up blanket and for a blanket he uses a towel. Last night I told the FP Gal that we just need to get a pillow to dry him with post-bath and the cycle would be complete.
I'm sure every family has some kind of idiosyncrasy like this. I can even explain exactly how ours got this way. As an infant DF didn't use a pillow of course. At some point I thought he'd be more comfortable with one so I grabbed what was handy, a blanket, and improvised. When the weather turned colder this fall I needed something to put over him. The towel was handy.
The tricky part is that Relia has kind of a special pillow. The FP Gal has long had a sea turtle stuffed animal with a broad flat shell. At some point it went to Relia and has become her special thing. When she's crying it becomes her comfort talisman. And it puts some pressure on us to get something good for DF.
Which is maybe silly, but it's a nut we're trying to crack.

1 comment:

Sarita said...

Yeah, I tried putting a pillow in the crib tonight. He said "uh oh" and pushed the pillow aside and whimpered until I put everything right.

Maybe this is best made part of a big boy bed transition later on.