Saturday, November 05, 2011


Yesterday I took Relia to a swim lesson. This will be the new routine on Friday mornings and it might be a bit hectic. The timing of the lesson and some other Friday things is very tight and we'll have to move a little fast to meet them. Which meant that for some period of time yesterday I had to act a bit like a mule driver ("Go, go! Put on your pants! Put on your shirt! We have to go!"). None of this had any effect on her.
As we were putting her into the car I said exasperatedly, "Someday I will teach you the meaning of urgency."
She simply said, "Not today!"

I was laughing too hard at her to be upset.

I only saw a bit of the lesson as I was chasing DF the whole time in an adjoining room. We watched briefly through the window though. Relia was happy as could be in the pool. She's really taking to these lessons and I wish I could figure out a pool our family could go to this weekend.
DF thought that the Y was wonderful. Mostly because he found the storage lockers and spent most of her lesson opening and closing doors. I hadn't realized this before but at the prime age of one year old he would make a great doorman.


DD4 said...

There's a pool at Edinborough Park in Edina.

I'm glad Aurelia likes swimming so much.

Heidi said...

We have a great pool out here. Fly out!

carrster said...

haha! Cute!

"Not Today" that little bugger!!

Anonymous said...

The have open swimming at some of the community ed pools at schools. Wayzata middle school has it on friday nights I think.

Sarita said...

Awesome. I'd forgotten about edinborough