The other day while driving the boys home, DF saw a motorcycle with a passenger.
DF: Two of them! I didn't know you could have two of them on a motorcycle!
Me: Yep. You have to be very careful though.
DF: Careful?
Me: Yeah, so you don't crash. (pause) Could you be careful?
DF: (after thinking) If I was on a motorcycle, I'd be careful. I wouldn't push the fast button!
DF: Two of them! I didn't know you could have two of them on a motorcycle!
Me: Yep. You have to be very careful though.
DF: Careful?
Me: Yeah, so you don't crash. (pause) Could you be careful?
DF: (after thinking) If I was on a motorcycle, I'd be careful. I wouldn't push the fast button!