Where in the World?

We just finished playing a game at work that I enjoyed. In fact, I liked it so much that I'm going to steal it for my blog! The game is simple, they gave us 40 pictures of places around the world and we had to say where it was. Sounds easy enough, yes?
So here is how I'm going to do it. Every Monday at noon for the next eight weeks I've got a scheduled post with five of the pictures on it. Each one has a number with it. Your job is to leave your guess in the comment section. First person with a correct guess gets a point (and I will keep score). The winner gets an actual prize. I believe it will be the first one in FP history.

For example, for the above image you would guess 'the Statue of Liberty'. See it's easy.
Sound fun? I hope so, because it's all in place and ready to go. If any of my co-workers are reading this, you're not allowed to play (for obvious reasons). The FP Gal is also out because she's sleeping with the judge. Everyone else is fair game.
Good luck!


Pat said…
Are we supposed to say what it is and where it is located? For example: Statue of Liberty in New York City.
Peder said…
Either landmark or city, whichever makes the most sense. This one would be fine with just 'Statue of Liberty'.
Anonymous said…
3 Niagra Falls
from Liz

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