1980 in review

Coal Miner's Daughter
Elephant Man
Raging Bull
Ordinary People

And the first year is in the books (or at least on the blog). This year features three biopics, a movie version of a classic and a slice of life movie. There is quality throughout the list but two of them really stand out. 'Tess' is easily the weakest of the bunch. 'Coal Miner's Daughter' and 'Elephant Man' are both good but not historic. 'Ordinary People' was the 'American Beauty' of it's day and that's not a bad thing. 'Raging Bull' is one that they study in film classes. If I was voting I'd have gone for 'Bull', but 'People' is a fine choice.
Best music? Probably 'People' but nothing that really stood out. (Country music really ain't my thing.)


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