This is the movie adaptation of Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. A movie set in the late 19th century, it deals with a girl from a poor family (Nastassja Kinsky). Her family becomes convinced that they're decended from a noble family and they send her off to their cousins for money. Her 'cousin' Alec takes a fancy to her and eventually seduces her. She heads home and has a baby. The baby dies shortly thereafter and she leaves again. This time she ends up at a dairy farm where she falls in love with a man named Angel.
Even though their classes are very different, they are soon married. On her wedding night, Tess confesses her past and Angel is shattered. He leaves her and goes to Brazil. She's shattered. She returns to her family and they take up residence in their old family church (seriously). Alec finds Tess and she goes off with him.
Meanwhile, in fine romantic fashion, Angel returns and tracks her down. This compels Tess to kill Alec. She and Angel run off trying to flee the law. They end up at a Celtic ruin (think Stonehenge) and are finally cornered. The final lines tell that she is hanged for murder.
Not having read the book, I can't comment on how true it was to the story. I can tell you this though, if you want to see authentic scenes with old threshers and period farm work, this movie has it. It also has a long shot of cheese being made. The story is ok, but nothing special.
[Yes, I'm behind in these reviews. Sorry!]
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