British Literary Census

So Britan's largest bookstore, Waterstone, polled it's 5000 employees and asked for their five favorite books published since 1982, the year the store opened (article here). They then released a list of the top 100 books (list here). There is a minor controversy in that 2/3 of the books were written by men. Does that mean that the employees are chauvanists? I doubt it as I don't think most people base their book choices on the gender of the author.
In fact, one quick look at the list will show a common thread. Most of them have movie tie-ins! My years at B&N tell me that nothing moves a book like a film version. The ad campaign for a movie is also a campaign for the book. Maybe moreso. That's not to run down the books and suggest that they are unworthy or diminished by the silver screen. Just pointing out something obvious. (For what it's worth, I bet the audience at those movies were mostly women too.)
Some pretty good books on the list. I've read 12 of them (and seen the movie version of 8 others). Interestingly, I bet the FP Gal has probably read as many but different ones. Surprised that there's no Stephen King on the list. I'd put at least a dozen of his books above 'The Historian' (ugh). My top five?
The Name of the Rose
The Diamond Age
A Prayer for Owen Meaney
The Life of Pi

Three of them have been made into movies, one is in production and the fifth is being made into a mini-series. Make of that what you will.


Brian said…
I have read 5 of them. I have seen many of them as movies.

girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, its serious.

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