Crash - 2006

This movie deals with a dozen or so people that all intersect over a few days in the LA area. It opens with a minor car accident and immediately features a Latin policewoman and an Asian driver trading racial barbs. That sets the tone. Just about every character is openly racist or plays against racial stereotypes. Mix repeatedly and you have your movie.
The writing is very good and the acting is superb. You have to suspend belief a tad in that the people in the story don't seem to live in a larger universe of people. You also have to marvel at the coincidence of all the bad things that happen in such a short period of time. But if you can get past that, it's a great movie.
The message is pretty straight forward: we're all racist and we shouldn't be because it causes us to shortchange people. The degree of racism from the characters was certainly higher than I'm used to but it's obviously out there. If this message moves us more towards being a post-race society than I'm all for it.


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