Pre-Oscar Viewing
The Atlantic has a handy list of movies that are expected to be serious Oscar contenders:
The King's Speech
Black Swan (which looks terrible to me)
True Grit
127 Hours
The Fighter
Rabbit Hole
Another Year
Blue Valentine
The Way Back
Get Low
How Do You Know? (which looks pretty good)
Frankie & Alice
Country Strong
I'm not sure how many of them I'd see even if I had the time. They also mention six others that are either out for home viewing now or soon will be:
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
The Kids are All Right
Winter's Bone
The Town
I've seen the first three of those and I'd be happy with a win for either 'Social Network' or 'Inception'.
The King's Speech
Black Swan (which looks terrible to me)
True Grit
127 Hours
The Fighter
Rabbit Hole
Another Year
Blue Valentine
The Way Back
Get Low
How Do You Know? (which looks pretty good)
Frankie & Alice
Country Strong
I'm not sure how many of them I'd see even if I had the time. They also mention six others that are either out for home viewing now or soon will be:
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
The Kids are All Right
Winter's Bone
The Town
I've seen the first three of those and I'd be happy with a win for either 'Social Network' or 'Inception'.