Single Use Appliances

Megan McArdle has found what she describes as "the stupidest appliance ever". This one right here and it's not something that I'd ever buy. Or really use even if it was bought for me. The post is worth reading but I most enjoyed the comment section where a full scale discussion on single use appliances has broken out.
I've got two single use-ers that I use on a fairly regular basis. One is a toaster that also poaches eggs and prepares Canadian bacon. It's basically an Egg McMuffin machine and it makes yummy stuff. I only make the full sandwiches about once a month but the toaster is big enough to do a good job with bagels. This gets used daily.
The other one is the Pizzazz, the home pizza cooker. This one gets used three or four times a week, maybe more. Frozen pizzas of course but the FP Gal also makes quesadillas and I like to toast sandwiches on it. Sometimes I even bake cookies with it. We use it enough that we actually burned out the first one and had to buy a replacement.
I'm curious what items the rest of you folks have that you're slightly embarrassed about but still want to sing the praises of. Go ahead and share.


Cellomama said…
I don't have many - I avoid them as much as possible, but I love my "Hot Shot . You put water on it, push a button, and less than a minute later you push another button and boiling hot water dispenses. I bought it to make instant oatmeal at my desk at work, but still use it all the time at home.
Pat said…
I kind of l like my quesadilla maker. It is not used a whole lot but it still is worth my while to have. Especially since I got it at the Goodwill for about $7.00. Works well. The blender stick has come in handy a few times. I do try to avoid too many appliance because they look good at the time but I know from experience that most of the time they are not used. Even if they do work well having to get them out of the place they live proves to be a problem.
Meigan said…
I have a love affair with my Kitchenaide mixer, but that doesn't really count as single-use, does it? And my crock pot. You take those two appliances away from me & you might as well lock me up in a padded room at the same time.

And my word verification for this post is "shmer".
Cellomama said…
oooh - quesadilla maker! I love mine! I forgot about that - it came as a package set with the George Foreman as an Xmas gift one year.

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