I haven't written much about my return to work and I bet some of you are curious about it (hi Mom!). First of all, I love my twenty second commute time. I'm on my lunch break right now and I'm able to come downstairs and spend a little time with the FP Gal. The best part of working at home is that I don't have to fend with anything outside when my shift is done. I simply walk downstairs as quietly as I can and climb into bed. The longest it has taken me to fall asleep is about five minutes.
My office space is working well. It gets cold on the third floor but I go up early in the afternoon and start the space heater. The temp in the main space was as low as 45 last night (50 tonight) but warmer in the smaller enclosed room. My work uniform has the addition of slippers for my feet, a hooded sweatshirt, a snow cap and my new Viking snuggie. I think the FP Gal will slip upstairs some night and take a picture of it all but she hasn't yet.
By the time my paternity leave started I was pretty well burnt out from helping people. The time off helped a lot and I'm back to feeling useful again. The system I work with still has tons of annoying bugs, er features, but what can you do?
I get very few calls after 11p or so but I keep busy with ticketing tasks and the like. These hours have included more calls from the Far East than I'd had before but nothing that can't be handled. My co-workers and I stay in touch with an internal instant message program. I wouldn't say that we're close exactly, not as close as the ladies I worked shoulder to shoulder with in the office but we're still in touch.
So far I'm very happy with this shift and the home set up.
My office space is working well. It gets cold on the third floor but I go up early in the afternoon and start the space heater. The temp in the main space was as low as 45 last night (50 tonight) but warmer in the smaller enclosed room. My work uniform has the addition of slippers for my feet, a hooded sweatshirt, a snow cap and my new Viking snuggie. I think the FP Gal will slip upstairs some night and take a picture of it all but she hasn't yet.
By the time my paternity leave started I was pretty well burnt out from helping people. The time off helped a lot and I'm back to feeling useful again. The system I work with still has tons of annoying bugs, er features, but what can you do?
I get very few calls after 11p or so but I keep busy with ticketing tasks and the like. These hours have included more calls from the Far East than I'd had before but nothing that can't be handled. My co-workers and I stay in touch with an internal instant message program. I wouldn't say that we're close exactly, not as close as the ladies I worked shoulder to shoulder with in the office but we're still in touch.
So far I'm very happy with this shift and the home set up.
Yes, I'm one of your faithful fans - and always will be!!