Best American Novel?

Recently Powerline ran a poll of it's readers to determine the best American Novel. This was the result:

It's an interesting list. My vote was for 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. My sad confession is to how few of these books I've read. Which I'm going to try and change. Not in a formal way like the movie project but I'm going to read some and put up some book reviews.
The poll would have caught mainly conservative readers reactions. The FP Gal is curious what a more liberal audience would have picked. I'm guessing that a few different books would have been picked but I really don't know what would have changed in position. Any thoughts from the crowd?


carrster said…
My absolute favorite novel is THE GRAPES OF WRATH which if I'm not mistaken didn't make the list at all!
Peder said…
Nope it's not but it'd be a worthy inclusion.
siva said…
Very interesting. I love Faulkner's THE SOUND AND THE FURY in the list, but my most favorite one is LIGHT IN AUGUST.

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