Blame America First

This is often used as a way of describing a certain branch of the left that can't see the beams in other countries eyes because of the speck in America's. That description (rightly) makes some very angry because they see it as a blanket description of everyone on the left. I don't want to make the same mistake. Most everyone in this country recognizes the wonderful things about the U.S.
Having said that, the STrib provides an excellent example of 'blame America first' with this editorial about nuclear proliferation. After writing about what a wonderful world this would be if no one had nukes, the editorial says this:

It's hard to see what salutary purpose the bomb now serves -- other than to incite more and more countries to acquire it. The global Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons has proved a pathetic failure -- largely because of U.S. inconsistency toward nuclear-club aspirants.
The author doesn't account for other aspirations like becoming a world (or regional) power, creating a sphere of influence or making oneself invulnerable to invasion. Those three reasons account for nuclear creation far more than 'U.S. inconsistency'. How arrogant is it to place all the blame on U.S. inability?
The next paragraph deserves some study too:

America smiles placidly on Israel's undeclared status as a nuclear state, has tolerated bomb-building by both India and Pakistan -- and yet now seems resolved to stop at nothing to thwart Iran's nuclear hopes.
Not sure what the U.S. can really do about Israel's status. Being undeclared makes it hard to put sanctions on them. Some people seem to have this idea that Israel can be made to dance to whatever tune the U.S. wants them to. This is incredibly shallow thinking. Even under the threat of removing aid to Israel it's hard imagine them giving up their nukes. They live in constant threat of neighboring countries that have tried to destroy them before. They take their security pretty seriously.
India and Pakistan? How could we do anything but tolerate? Should we have invaded? One notable aspect of the nuclear club is that once you join, it's very hard to kick you out. And that's why the time to worry about Iran is now before it's got it's own nukes.
I'd also note that Iran deserves a different category than Israel, India or even Pakistan. They've spoken openly about destroying Israel. Probably better that we take that seriously than wake up some morning to the news that they've gone ahead and done it.
Curious that North Korea isn't mentioned here. You might remember it as the country that suckered us into helping with their nuclear program. I suppose you could fit that under the 'inconsistent' heading if you'd like.


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