The New Guthrie

Great Bleat from Lileks today regarding the new Guthrie theater. In short, he doesn't like it. IMO, it's not the worst bit or architecture in Minneapolis. But easily top ten. Look at the thing.
His analysis is better than mine will be. But just look at what a mess it is. I can only imagine a group of architects getting together and saying 'you'll never believe what they let me get away with!'. It looks like a building that has no idea what it wants to be and no desire to figure it out either.
If the FP Gal and I ever hit the powerball, it'd be awfully tempting to gift the city with something like this

just to embarrass the awful things that have built here in the name of art.


Sarita said…
Ever since they put up that blue siding, I've thought it looked like the new down town IKEA store.

It looks a little better from the river, but not that much better.

That smoke stacky thing is a message board -Think Times Square News Ticker.
MamaD4 said…
Wow...I think Mr. Nouvel did the model with Legos? I hadn't seen any pictures of it until this one. Hans is going to complain about the Weisman too, but personally, I kind of like it. At least it's better than this. Where is it located? It looks like somewhere off Washington Ave. Why can't they ever build something nice and historic that blends in? God, I could go on forever. I really hope that you do win the lottery. Why does "art" have to be so ugly? It looks really user-unfriendly. Like Darth Vader's city residence.
MamaD4 said…
Oh God. I just looked at James' commentary and pictures. It's even worse than your one DO these things get approved? Horrible. At least there won't be anyone crying in 12 years when they want to tear it down. Wow, the new Walker is awful too. Very Star Wars-ian as well. Like the awful Alumni building at the U. Ugh.
Peder said…
We can only hope that the dialouge inside is better than what Darth Vader was saddled with. Seriously, a building gives such incredible oppurtunity to make lasting art. Why go with such an obvious stunt? You're right, tear it down in a decade and build a different stunt.
BTW, it's located right next to the Mills, overlooking the river.
Sarita said…
Here's what I think about the new Walker
MamaD4 said…
That happens EVERYday in Japan, you know! It's full of huge robots doing battle. Architecture here is kind of non-architecture. Very straight, four cornered buildings. Hans always mutters something about "East German architects" whenever we've been in Tokyo. Well, they do have to be practical with space. I'm interested to get home and see these monstrosities in person.

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