AFI's 100 Top Movie List (more thoughts)

I know, even more, but I've realized that I have more to say!
  • 'Raging Bull' was rated much too highly. It's not even Scorsese's best film much less the fourth best ever. 'Goodfellas' (#92) was a better movie and frankly I'm shocked that it didn't rate higher.
  • I love 'Singing in the Rain' but I'm not sure if it's a top ten movie either. The dancing is fantastic, it has plenty of great songs and is lots of fun. But...the story is incredibly thin, little more than a framework to hang the songs on. There's a good half dozen musicals (at least) that I'd rate higher.
  • I fell asleep during 'Vertigo' a few years back. My impression of it wasn't that high even without the snoozing. Apparently, it's the ninth best American film ever though. We have it on the DVR, so I'll give it another look. Hitchcock made some great great movies. Just can't help but wonder if they picked the wrong one here.
  • Where'd 'The Third Man' go? I thought it was dropped because it's really a British film, but no more so than 'Lawrence of Arabia' or 'Bridge on the River Kwai'. Also it made the original list with the same qualifications. It's universally regarded as an all time great film (including #1 on the British Film List). Wonder what happened?
  • Lots of griping online about 'Titanic' being on the list. Somehow this movie got a reputation as only appealing to teenage girls (even though it involved a topless Kate Winslet). People forget just how big a phenomenon this movie was. Or maybe they resent it for that reason under the reasoning that any popular thing must be garbage. I have no problem with it being here. It was a cool concept and was very well done. What more can you ask for?
  • The movie on this list that I've seen and never want to see again? Easy. '2001: A Space Odyssey' (#15). Forty-five minutes worth of story jammed into two and a half hours of time. Probably only enjoyable while under the influence.
  • That's it (probably).


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