Another movie list???

Via Libertas (your one stop shop for conservative film criticism), I find that the Alliance of Women's Film Journalists has come up with their own list of the top 100 movies.
The Tenth Anniversary of AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies List got us to thinking, especially when we noticed that of 400 films nominated for AFI’s list, only 4.5 were directed by women. Without knowing who’d been on AFI’s nominating committee nor what instructions they were given, we thought it would be interesting and fun to see whether AWFJ members– a diverse group of strongly opinionated and outspoken professional women film journalists who care passionately about the movies and industry they cover– would develop a list substantially different AFI‘s.
This list doesn't have some of the handicaps that the AFI worked under. For one thing, they've got movies from all over the world so they get to include some of my very favorites, like Amelie. It's also constructed with a brief description of why the film was chosen. Example:
AMELIE (2001): Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s aggressively sunny romance pits a quirky wallflower (Audrey Tatou, Olive Oyl’s flesh-and-blood cousine) against the troubles of the world and the wallflower wins, brightening the lives of her Montmartre neighbors and even finding a love as eccentric as she. Gloriously nutty valentine to oddballs everywhere or sickeningly sweet French pastry? Count me among the besotted: Jeunet’s digitally tweaked and sweetened Paris is whimsical perfection and Tatou’s crooked smile could turn vinegar to honey.
But the list suffers from an enormous self-awareness that it's from women/about women. It doesn't escape from being a top chick flick list and/or films loved only because of the work of a woman. It's a women's list rather than a list for all people. This leads to nonsense like including 'Working Girl' which probably wasn't one of the top 100 movies of the 80's. It also leads to bizarre additions like this:
CARRIE (1976): Captures every single horror about getting your period for the first time and then some.
Um. Ok. Still, it's a pretty good list and well worth perusing. Using the same rule of thumb, that any list like this has a prime function of introducing movies that you might like to see it scores pretty well.


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