I'm a heel!

Well, kind of. It did totally slip my mind that my adorable niece Annika's birthday was yesterday. I wish you would have gotten a cake like this (but with a different message). Cake picture found here. And Hans and Rachel, if you add to your brood, this is totally the way you should go.

And yesterday was the fifth anniversary of my first meeting with the FP Gal. We talked about it and hugged and smooched and everything but I didn't mention it here on the blog and somehow that makes it seem like it went unacknowledged. Even worse, I missed that she posted about it until I did my morning blog jog today. Whoops!


MamaD4 said…
That's OK, Uncle Peder!

That's a great cake, because when one thinks of newborns, one immediately thinks of the cuddly Darth Vader...
Peder said…
In a strange paradoxical way, if this cake would have been presented to Darth Vadar at the right moment he would have softened and the entire history of a galaxy would have to be rewritten. Either that or this cake represents the worst birthing experience ever.
Kate said…
You met her the day AFTER Valentine's Day? Was the actual day too intimidating for a first date?
Sarita said…
Kate that is EXACTLY it. I felt V-Day was way too much pressure
Pat said…
Constructive criticism here--Peder, your acknowledgement of "meeting Sarah" did not hold a candle to Sarah's acknowledgement of "meeting Peder" in her blog.

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