State of the House

When I came home last night I found that the FP Gal is missing her voice. She can only speak in a whisper. It's kind of like this. She says that she feels fine, maybe a little tired but there is no voice there. Maybe it will come back soon.
Our little girl is doing fine. She might be getting a little of the cold herself but nothing serious. Her only real problem is what seems to be more teething. This has meant that when she wakes up at night it's a little tough for her to get back to sleep. (That's what knocked out my blogging time last.) Today we colored and ran around the house. She played the piano for a good hour this morning. In all, it was a good day.
Me? Work has been busy and tiring. We're still shaking out the staffing levels. To make things 'shakier' they just announced that we're going to a 35 hour workweek in a month or so. When it's busy, they'll offer those five hours back. I'm confident that my department will have the 40 hour option for some time so I'm not worried. And...I'd much rather they do this than cut our hourly pay.
How are you guys?


Meigan said…
Man, this economy is really starting to hit home. I wish someone would cut my hours - it's just the opposite: do twice the amount of work because we can't add/maintain head count.
DD4 said…
We took a 5% paycut starting the first week of February. Our company has never laid off any of its employees.
carrster said…
There's always the threat of my (totally ridiculous!) job being done away with....but for now I'm trying to get sleeping to be a habit in our household.
Kate said…
The other hospital in town announce at 4.5 percent paycut and loss of 5 PTO days. I know my hospital will do the same thing eventually. I'm not above working at McDonald's, but I'm not looking forward to it.

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