Baseball Postseason

Just some quick thoughts on how I'll be rooting. (Not necessarily how I think they'll do, however. In fact, a lot of smart baseball people think that the small number of games makes it nearly impossible to project playoff success. Not that I subscribe to that theory either, but strange enough stuff does happen that I won't try and predict it.)

1: Tampa Bay - I still think it would be great for them to win it all. They've been so good for three years now that it's easy to forget how long they were absolutely terrible.
2: San Fran Giants - Beautiful ballpark and I love to watch games there. Two prominent White Sox from 2005 in Uribe and Rowand.
3: Texas Rangers - Long, long suffering fan base. Another fun park to watch games from.
4: Cincinnati Reds - Back from the dead and the first playoff appearance since 1995.
5: Philadelphia Phillies - If they win it this year then we need to think of them as a dynasty. And then we can start hating them.
6: Atlanta - Them again? And still with the Chop? Ugh.
7: Twins - Would feel differently if they weren't my teams big rival.
8: Yankees - Ugh. Double ugh.


DD4 said…
Well, it's a no brainer for me - I'll go for the Twins all the way!

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