Bike Helmets?

Interesting article in WSJ from Virginia Postrel about the effect of bike helmet laws:

The result: A new helmet law reduces bicycle deaths among the affected age group by about 19%. It doesn't affect older riders. Since serious bicycle accidents are rare, however, the absolute numbers are still small, about eight fewer deaths a year among kids 5 to 15 than would otherwise occur in the states with helmet laws. "It's not a ton of lives when you compare it to something like wearing your seat belt," says Prof. Stehr.

One reason for the drop is, of course, that more kids wear helmets when they get into accidents. But another is that many give up cycling altogether. Using surveys of parents, the professors find that about 650,000 fewer children ride bikes each year after helmet laws go into effect. That's about 81,000 fewer riders for every life saved. Helmets may save lives, but the dork factor also takes its toll.

I must admit that I almost never see a younger kid on a bike in our neighborhood. And when I do they aren't wearing a bike helmet.
When I was young (and yes that phrase makes me feel just as old as you'd think) I rode my bike all over the place. In the summer months I'd be on it from eight in the morning until forced home by mom. And I don't think I would have done nearly as much with a dorky looking helmet on. In fact, I'm certain of it.
But at the same time, I can't imagine what I'd do if my kid was one of those severely injured ones.


Cellomama said…
Really? I didn't think any of us were too concerned about being dorks. :-)

I was in a bad bike accident in 7th grade - I was unconscious and in the hospital for several days with a broken skull. I was so lucky it wasn't worse. I could have had brain damage or died. Preventing that - for me and for my kids - is worth the ding on the cool factor.

And I don't know if this is a 'burbs thing or just my neighborhood, but kids ride their bikes all over - with helmets on. I'm glad that at least around here, it's the norm - in case my girls care more about what people think than I did.
Peder said…
I never knew about your bike accident! I'm glad you're ok. And I could see how that would color your future bike riding.
It might be a burbs vs city thing. Don't know.
DD4 said…
Just today while pulling out of my garage with Aurelia in my back seat, she said, "Oh, I like your bike, Grandma D. What color is your helmet?" When I told her I didn't have one, she said, "Mine is pink with bunny rabbits. You should get a red helmet with bunnies on it."

To be honest with you, I didn't know it was now mandatory to wear a helmet when riding a bike.
Sarita said…
I don't think we have a helmet law in MN. I mean, I know we don't for motorcycles, so I'd be shocked if we had one for bicycles.

Yeah, spend some time with kids with traumatic brain injury and you'll hop on the helmet bandwagon. I'm not even talking about the severe ones. Kids who just aren't the same in processing or impulse control.

We live between two VERY busy streets. I don't blame kids for not riding bikes around our neighborhood.

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