Come Dancing - Kinks

This is today's earworm. After I dropped Relia off at pre-school, I took Felix off to the grocery store so we could restock and get ready for tonight's hot dish. He was his usual pleasant self while I shopped. He smiled at the nice lady who rang up the stuff.
While I was bagging I could hear the overhead music and this is what they were playing. The lady at the next register noticed Felix and told me that he had a great smile. Then she complimented me on my singing. Whoops! Didn't realize that I was . . .


DD4 said…
I would have loved being with you - watching Felix smile and you listening to you sing! Sounds perfect!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Ha! I was *just* thinking about this song today, Peder, because the radio played the other Kinks song, and one of the engineers and I talked about how we never, ever hear "Come Dancing" anymore.

Naturally, we both started singing it.
Pat said…
There is nothing like a smiley baby and a singing shopper. Much better than crabby babies and shoppers. Enjoyed reading this positive post.

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