Updates from the road
I didn't think that I'd check in but I've got a few minutes, so what the heck.
- Got in late Monday night. The flights were fine, Relia was an angel and the FP Gal's wonderous contraption worked fine.
- Did have some trouble getting the car seat unhooked on the last flight. They nearly turned the lights off and left us on the runway.
- It was foggy on the drive to Hans and Rachel's house. Relia said, "Maybe somebody is taking a shower and left the window open."
- By the way, she is loving playing with her cousins. There is lots of running around the spacious backyard and jumping on the trampoline. It makes my heart happy to see them have so much fun.
- Last night Josiah was quizzing Rachel on which countries she'd been to. He has a whole list of them and she was putting a star next to her appropriate ones. She asked where Bermuda was and he looked at her and simply said, "Look under 'United Kingdom'." He also drew a freehand map of the world. Very talented kid.
- Will is running around (well, shambling) and Relia is frustrated by the baby gates. I told her that Felix would need them too. She's still digesting that.
- Saw 'Social Network' last night with Dad and Hans. It's a great movie and I'm sure it will richly deserve the Oscar nomination it gets in a few months.
- We're all doing well and having a great time!