The Cackle

DF has started laughing. Or at least his laugh is becoming more prominent. And it isn't a quiet little titter, oh no. He has a full on madman's cackle. Seriously, tonight he was splashing in his bathtub and I fully expected him to say, "it's all coming together!" or some such.
But don't get the wrong impression, it isn't sinister. Frankly, you can't be sinister at this age. If anything, it's infectious.

He has also started dancing. Relia has been taking ballet classes and you can see it in her dance moves. The grace and the types of movements. Yesterday we were on the porch and she was dancing to a Fisher Price version of 'Humpty Dumpty' (and yes, this is true). She started doing pirouettes and DF decided to join in. He simply spun (well, shuffled) in a circle with his hands up, big grin the whole time. Relia wanted to tell him that he was doing it wrong but I assured her he was doing the best he could.


Meigan said…
The infectious cackle! It's true - I can attest!

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