My Car-mic Duty

You may remember this story where I accidentally hijacked a car in Paris. The other day the FP Gal and I were talking about it and again I said that if I ever had a traveler here that needed a ride I'd be obligated to help out. She agreed.
Well, we must have somehow put that out into the universe. Today I picked up the kids from daycare and was strapping them into the car. A small Chinese woman came up to us and asked if she could please have a ride to Richfield.
Never in my life have I picked up a hitchhiker. I had two small kids with me. Still . . . well, I was much bigger than her. And we were kind of heading that way anyway. So I let her in to the car.
She introduced herself (Sue) and started talking with us. Relia immediately told her about a) our Apple TV, b) what street Nana lived down and c) her brother. When Sue mentioned that she was from China, Relia quickly told her that we were going there to see the big wall.
The ride was quick and uneventful. We got her to the right spot and let her out. She thanked us about three dozen times and left.

Now, does that fulfill my karmic duty? Probably not. There are doubtlessly more acts of kindness ahead.


carrster said…
Cool! I gave a woman waiting for a bus a ride to her job about a month ago. She was floored that I offered (me too, sort of - again 2 kids in the car...) but she appeared cool, well put together & was reading a good book (ha!). Good for you for being a Good Samaritan!
Chris said…
Well done.
DD4 said…
That makes me happy - you helped another soul.
Meigan said…
Cool, Peder. Very cool

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