Hugo Reading

Let me first mention that they awarded the 2011 Hugo Awards this past weekend. The winner for Best Novel was 'Blackout/All Clear' by Connie Willis. Which suited me fine, since I enjoyed it.

My book reviews have gotten quite a bit off track. The reason is simple, I ran into a stretch of books that I didn't care for. Oh, they may not have been bad books. More than likely I just hit them at the wrong time. In any case, I got stuck.
I've been reading the Hugos in chronological order and it suddenly occurred to me that I don't need to. When I did the Great American books list I jumped around and read whatever seemed best, whenever I felt ready. There were books that I still didn't care for but at least I didn't get stuck.
So I'm going to follow the same course here. Or, to be more candid, I already have done so. Which means I'll have some reviews coming soon.

This may not mean much to anyone else but it makes me feel better.


carrster said…
oh I hate it when I get "stuck." sometimes our self-imposed rules work...and sometimes they do not! Enjoy the books you're ready for!

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