Pick a Little/Talk a Little
About a month ago 'The Music Man' was on TCM. I have this (somewhere) on VHS but haven't been able to find it. Anyway, I DVR'd it and occasionally I'd take up some of my TV time to put it on when the kids were around. And sing along with it, of course.
Last week Relia surprised me while we were out by asking me to sing the 'pick a little' song. So I did. And then I had her sing that part while I did the 'goodnight ladies' bit. She loved this and has taken to requesting it.
This is something of a milestone as 'Music Man' is the first non-animated/non-PBS show that she wants to watch. She still likes 'pick a little' song but she also likes 'Marian the Librarian' and when I say something about the Wells Fargo wagon she quickly sings that it's 'comin' down the street'. All very cute.
One weird thing. There is a scene where Marian and her mother are making fudge in their kitchen. Relia watched this and asked the FP Gal if it was . . . poop. Man, that would just change the whole movie, wouldn't it?
Last week Relia surprised me while we were out by asking me to sing the 'pick a little' song. So I did. And then I had her sing that part while I did the 'goodnight ladies' bit. She loved this and has taken to requesting it.
This is something of a milestone as 'Music Man' is the first non-animated/non-PBS show that she wants to watch. She still likes 'pick a little' song but she also likes 'Marian the Librarian' and when I say something about the Wells Fargo wagon she quickly sings that it's 'comin' down the street'. All very cute.
One weird thing. There is a scene where Marian and her mother are making fudge in their kitchen. Relia watched this and asked the FP Gal if it was . . . poop. Man, that would just change the whole movie, wouldn't it?