Car names

Your cars all have names, right? That's only normal behavior, isn't it? A few weeks ago one of my coworkers bought a car and was very excited about it. The only damper on her joy came when I asked if she'd picked out names yet. She looked at me blankly so I asked everyone in our row. Name after name. Some were cute names. Some were based on the license plate. Some had adjectives (i.e. 'Sassy Girl'). She'd never heard of this before so she started taking suggestions. I gave her 'the red menace' but she's too young for that to have meant anything.
To my shame though, my car doesn't have a name either. Somehow in the four years of owning her a name never popped out. That simply wouldn't do! And it didn't have to be that way. After discussing it with the FP Gal, I chose a name that she'd shot down for the baby. Now that I've bought her, she will be called Pagoda.
Bonus observation: people tend to drive cars of the opposite gender. I'm sure there's a psychology thesis in there somewhere but I don't know what it is.


Hans said…
My car's name is Katarina. Rachel's is Frau Matilda.
My car doesn't have a name. I could use some help. It is a Saturn ION, Gold color.
Peder said…
How about 'Goldie'?
MamaD4 said…
Just so we're clear here, it's Frau Mathilde. And my cars have always been females. My Dad, who has four cars and probably 16 motorcycles, names all of his vehicles and does have some males (Gustav, for example). He just got ANOTHER motorcycle and he and Mom brought out our baby name book while they were here to pick names. They take it very seriously.
DD4 said…
My current car, BUGGIE, is the only automobile I have named.
Brian said…
I have never named a car. Nicknames sometimes....
HUMMMM... We named the house.
Peder said…
What did you name the house?
AJ's Cafe said…
I remember vehicles with names from my childhood. One of my favorites was a little light blue Horizon (similar to the Dodge Omni)...named BEYOND.
Somehow, as an adult; naming a hefty Ford Econoline Gas Guzzling Extended Length Tank Van is not so appealing.
carrster said…
My car is "Frances Ford Focus"


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