Beautiful weather

Very nice weather today; clear skies, sunny and a high of 67. Not a scorcher by any means, but enough to make you believe that warm weather is possible again. The last ten days or so had put kind of a dent in that belief.
Speaking of which, didn't the groundhog tell us that winter would be done around mid-March? Can we sue for malpractice? (The FP Gal says no, but I wonder what a class-action suit against Punxatawney would do?)
Anyway, today was very nice out. We even took Relia out into the backyard and sat in the sun for awhile. Everytime she crawled off of the blanket and put her hands down on a patch of grass she got this uncertain look on her face. I guess that grass feels quite a bit different than our hard wood floors.


Kate said…
I sat outside all night last night. It was beautiful. Finally. And one of the SD commentators said that if you live in the upper Midwest and you still go by the groundhog? You're somewhat pathological. I agree....

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