Memorial Day
It's been a long and family filled day. We started out by trekking down to Austin for the Memorial Day parade. The parade starts at 845a (sharp, and you don't want to blink), so we left the house at 0615 to pick up Mom. Actually, baby departures add ten minutes so it was more like 625a. That meant that the alarm went off somewhere around 530a. There was also a groggy discussion about snooze alarms but you can fill in the blanks on that one. In any case, it was very early.
The drive down was mostly uneventful. A cop pulled me over north of Blooming Prairie. He clocked me at 67 in a 55 (there's no way that's accurate). He gave a quick check to make sure we were all buckled up and then gave me a verbal warning. First time I've been pulled over in at least five years, maybe ten.
The parade was nice, if short. Our personal highlight was Aurelia, being held by Dad, looking back at us and waving a small little American flag. She couldn't have been cuter.
After the parade we went over to visit Steve Bremner and his family. His kids swarmed all over Relia. It was awfully sweet. As an added bonus, they kept her busy so we adults could chat. Before we left they let me try out the trampoline in the backyard. Talk about a workout!
Then it was over to David & Donna for lunch. Lots of family and grilled food. We spent time on the lawn bouncing back and forth between sunny and shady spots. Later I learned that I spent too much time in the sunny bits and I've got my first summer forehead sunburn.
Then it was back up to the Cities and dinner at the FP Gal's folks. This time it was grilled chicken and veggies (again yum). Relia walked and walked and walked all over their house.
Then it was back to the house with all parties exhausted. It was a pretty good day.
The drive down was mostly uneventful. A cop pulled me over north of Blooming Prairie. He clocked me at 67 in a 55 (there's no way that's accurate). He gave a quick check to make sure we were all buckled up and then gave me a verbal warning. First time I've been pulled over in at least five years, maybe ten.
The parade was nice, if short. Our personal highlight was Aurelia, being held by Dad, looking back at us and waving a small little American flag. She couldn't have been cuter.
After the parade we went over to visit Steve Bremner and his family. His kids swarmed all over Relia. It was awfully sweet. As an added bonus, they kept her busy so we adults could chat. Before we left they let me try out the trampoline in the backyard. Talk about a workout!
Then it was over to David & Donna for lunch. Lots of family and grilled food. We spent time on the lawn bouncing back and forth between sunny and shady spots. Later I learned that I spent too much time in the sunny bits and I've got my first summer forehead sunburn.
Then it was back up to the Cities and dinner at the FP Gal's folks. This time it was grilled chicken and veggies (again yum). Relia walked and walked and walked all over their house.
Then it was back to the house with all parties exhausted. It was a pretty good day.
Sounds like you had an awesome All-American time. :) How's Steve & the fam doing? I haven't seen him in a few years now...