Iron Man - 2008

We went to see this on Thursday and it was fantastic. The story line is simple, Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark, a world class genius and weapon maker. He is captured in Afghanistan and is forced to see how easily his weapons can be used for bad purposes. He constructs a metal suit and uses it to escape from his captors. When he gets back home he decides to create the best suit he can and to use that to investigate arms shipments.
But really the plot isn't that important. Downey absolutely makes this movie. He's a bad boy who becomes a hero. He's stylish and self-deprecating. Overall, he's very, very funny. His entire delivery sounds ad-libbed because he's in the character so well. A great acting performance.


Alfred T. Mahan said…
"Doth Fortune play the hazard with me now?"

So I've been angling to see this movie since it came out, but, given that I'd like to see it with someone and can't drive at the moment (confound you, brain!), I arranged to see it today (Sunday) after a party I was attending, with a friend who was to pick me up. I would provide the cash money and all that.


He cancelled on me. I was stood up for this movie! What a BUM! I'll NEVER see this movie at this rate... :[
MamaD4 said…
You forgot to add "TOTALLY HOT" in the list of Robert Downey, Jr.'s attributes...

This is the one comic book movie that I could watch again.

That's right, I hated Spiderman.
Peder said…
Andrew, sorry to hear about that. It should be in the theaters for a while so hopefully you'll get another shot.
Rachel, I'm a bit colorblind on male hotness so I'll defer to your judgement. I think the FP Gal agreed with you though. The first two Spiderman movies were better movies but Tony Stark is easily the most likeable of all the recent comic book movies.

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